function xoopsGetElementById(id){ if (document.getElementById) { return (document.getElementById(id)); } else if (document.all) { return (document.all[id]); } else { if ((navigator.appname.indexOf("Netscape") != -1) && parseInt(navigator.appversion == 4)) { return (document.layers[id]); } } } function xoopsSetElementProp(name, prop, val) { var elt=xoopsGetElementById(name); if (elt) elt[prop]=val; } function xoopsSetElementStyle(name, prop, val) { var elt=xoopsGetElementById(name); if (elt &&[prop]=val; } function xoopsGetFormElement(fname, ctlname) { var frm=document.forms[fname]; return frm?frm.elements[ctlname]:null; } function justReturn() { return; } function openWithSelfMain(url,name,width,height,returnwindow) { var options = "width=" + width + ",height=" + height + ",toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,copyhistory=no"; var new_window =, name, options); = "main"; new_window.focus(); if (returnwindow != null) { return new_window; } } function setElementColor(id, color){ xoopsGetElementById(id).style.color = "#" + color; } function setElementFont(id, font){ xoopsGetElementById(id).style.fontFamily = font; } function setElementSize(id, size){ xoopsGetElementById(id).style.fontSize = size; } function changeDisplay(id){ var elestyle = xoopsGetElementById(id).style; if (elestyle.display == "") { elestyle.display = "none"; } else { elestyle.display = "block"; } } function setVisible(id){ xoopsGetElementById(id).style.visibility = "visible"; } function setHidden(id){ xoopsGetElementById(id).style.visibility = "hidden"; } function makeBold(id){ var eleStyle = xoopsGetElementById(id).style; if (eleStyle.fontWeight != "bold" && eleStyle.fontWeight != "700") { eleStyle.fontWeight = "bold"; } else { eleStyle.fontWeight = "normal"; } } function makeItalic(id){ var eleStyle = xoopsGetElementById(id).style; if (eleStyle.fontStyle != "italic") { eleStyle.fontStyle = "italic"; } else { eleStyle.fontStyle = "normal"; } } function makeUnderline(id){ var eleStyle = xoopsGetElementById(id).style; if (eleStyle.textDecoration != "underline") { eleStyle.textDecoration = "underline"; } else { eleStyle.textDecoration = "none"; } } function makeLineThrough(id){ var eleStyle = xoopsGetElementById(id).style; if (eleStyle.textDecoration != "line-through") { eleStyle.textDecoration = "line-through"; } else { eleStyle.textDecoration = "none"; } } function appendSelectOption(selectMenuId, optionName, optionValue){ var selectMenu = xoopsGetElementById(selectMenuId); var newoption = new Option(optionName, optionValue); newoption.selected = true; selectMenu.options[selectMenu.options.length] = newoption; } function disableElement(target){ var targetDom = xoopsGetElementById(target); if (targetDom.disabled != true) { targetDom.disabled = true; } else { targetDom.disabled = false; } } function xoopsCheckAll(formname, switchid) { var ele = document.forms[formname].elements; var switch_cbox = xoopsGetElementById(switchid); for (var i = 0; i < ele.length; i++) { var e = ele[i]; if ( ( != && (e.type == 'checkbox') ) { e.checked = switch_cbox.checked; } } } function xoopsCheckGroup(formname, switchid, groupid) { var ele = document.forms[formname].elements; var switch_cbox = xoopsGetElementById(switchid); for (var i = 0; i < ele.length; i++) { var e = ele[i]; if ( (e.type == 'checkbox') && ( == groupid) ) { e.checked = switch_cbox.checked;;; // Click to activate subgroups // Twice so we don't reverse effect } } } function xoopsCheckAllElements(elementIds, switchId) { var switch_cbox = xoopsGetElementById(switchId); for (var i = 0; i < elementIds.length; i++) { var e = xoopsGetElementById(elementIds[i]); if (( != && (e.type == 'checkbox')) { e.checked = switch_cbox.checked; } } } function xoopsSavePosition(id) { var textareaDom = xoopsGetElementById(id); if (textareaDom.createTextRange) { textareaDom.caretPos = document.selection.createRange().duplicate(); } } function xoopsInsertText(domobj, text) { if(domobj.selectionEnd){ var str1=domobj.value.substring(0, domobj.selectionStart); var str2=domobj.value.substring(domobj.selectionEnd, domobj.value.length); domobj.value = str1 + text + str2; domobj.selectionEnd = domobj.selectionStart; domobj.blur(); }else if (domobj.createTextRange && domobj.caretPos){ var caretPos = domobj.caretPos; caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charAt(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? text + ' ' : text; } else if (domobj.getSelection && domobj.caretPos){ var caretPos = domobj.caretPos; caretPos.text = caretPos.text.charat(caretPos.text.length - 1) == ' ' ? text + ' ' : text; } else { domobj.value = domobj.value + text; } } function xoopsCodeSmilie(id, smilieCode) { var revisedMessage; var textareaDom = xoopsGetElementById(id); xoopsInsertText(textareaDom, smilieCode); textareaDom.focus(); return; } function showImgSelected(imgId, selectId, imgDir, extra, xoopsUrl) { if (xoopsUrl == null) { xoopsUrl = "./"; } imgDom = xoopsGetElementById(imgId); selectDom = xoopsGetElementById(selectId); if (selectDom.options[selectDom.selectedIndex].value != "") { imgDom.src = xoopsUrl + "/"+ imgDir + "/" + selectDom.options[selectDom.selectedIndex].value + extra; } else { imgDom.src = xoopsUrl + "/images/blank.gif"; } } function xoopsCodeUrl(id, enterUrlPhrase, enterWebsitePhrase){ if (enterUrlPhrase == null) { enterUrlPhrase = "输入链接地址:"; } if (enterWebsitePhrase == null) { enterWebsitePhrase = "输入网址标题:"; } var text = prompt(enterUrlPhrase, ""); var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id); if ( text != null && text != "" ) { var selection = getSelect(id); if (selection.length>0){ var text2 = prompt(enterWebsitePhrase, selection); }else { var text2 = prompt(enterWebsitePhrase, ""); } if ( text2 != null ) { if ( text2 == "" ) { var result = "[url=" + text + "]" + text + "[/url]"; } else { var pos = text2.indexOf(unescape('%00')); if(0 < pos){ text2 = text2.substr(0,pos); } var result = "[url=" + text + "]" + text2 + "[/url]"; } xoopsInsertText(domobj, result); } } domobj.focus(); } function xoopsCodeImg(id, enterImgUrlPhrase, enterImgPosPhrase, imgPosRorLPhrase, errorImgPosPhrase){ if (enterImgUrlPhrase == null) { enterImgUrlPhrase = "输入图片地址:"; } var selection = getSelect(id); if (selection.length>0){ var text = prompt(enterImgUrlPhrase, selection); }else { var text = prompt(enterImgUrlPhrase, ""); } var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id); if ( text != null && text != "" ) { if (enterImgPosPhrase == null) { enterImgPosPhrase = "图片位置."; } if (imgPosRorLPhrase == null) { imgPosRorLPhrase = "'R' 或 'r' -- 右, 'L' 或 'l' -- 左, 或不填."; } if (errorImgPosPhrase == null) { errorImgPosPhrase = "ERROR! Enter the position of the image:"; } var text2 = prompt(enterImgPosPhrase + "\n" + imgPosRorLPhrase, ""); while ( ( text2 != "" ) && ( text2 != "r" ) && ( text2 != "R" ) && ( text2 != "l" ) && ( text2 != "L" ) && ( text2 != null ) ) { text2 = prompt(errorImgPosPhrase + "\n" + imgPosRorLPhrase,""); } if ( text2 == "l" || text2 == "L" ) { text2 = " align=left"; } else if ( text2 == "r" || text2 == "R" ) { text2 = " align=right"; } else { text2 = ""; } var result = "[img" + text2 + "]" + text + "[/img]"; xoopsInsertText(domobj, result); } domobj.focus(); } function xoopsCodeEmail(id, enterEmailPhrase){ if (enterEmailPhrase == null) { enterEmailPhrase = "输入email地址:"; } var selection = getSelect(id); if (selection.length>0){ var text = prompt(enterEmailPhrase, selection); }else { var text = prompt(enterEmailPhrase, ""); } var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id); if ( text != null && text != "" ) { var result = "[email]" + text + "[/email]"; xoopsInsertText(domobj, result); } domobj.focus(); } function xoopsCodeQuote(id, enterQuotePhrase){ if (enterQuotePhrase == null) { enterQuotePhrase = "输入要引用的文字:"; } var selection = getSelect(id); if (selection.length>0){ var text = prompt(enterQuotePhrase, selection); }else { var text = prompt(enterQuotePhrase, ""); } var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id); if ( text != null && text != "" ) { var pos = text.indexOf(unescape('%00')); if(0 < pos){ text = text.substr(0,pos); } var result = "[quote]" + text + "[/quote]"; xoopsInsertText(domobj, result); } domobj.focus(); } function xoopsCodeCode(id, enterCodePhrase){ if (enterCodePhrase == null) { enterCodePhrase = "输入要添加的代码."; } var selection = getSelect(id); if (selection.length>0){ var text = prompt(enterCodePhrase, selection); }else { var text = prompt(enterCodePhrase, ""); } var domobj = xoopsGetElementById(id); if ( text != null && text != "" ) { var result = "[code]" + text + "[/code]"; xoopsInsertText(domobj, result); } domobj.focus(); } function xoopsCodeText(id, hiddentext, enterTextboxPhrase){ var textareaDom = xoopsGetElementById(id); var textDom = xoopsGetElementById(id + "Addtext"); var fontDom = xoopsGetElementById(id + "Font"); var colorDom = xoopsGetElementById(id + "Color"); var sizeDom = xoopsGetElementById(id + "Size"); var xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle = xoopsGetElementById(hiddentext).style; var selection = getSelect(id); if (selection.length>0){ var textDomValue = selection; }else { var textDomValue = textDom.value; } var fontDomValue = fontDom.options[fontDom.options.selectedIndex].value; var colorDomValue = colorDom.options[colorDom.options.selectedIndex].value; var sizeDomValue = sizeDom.options[sizeDom.options.selectedIndex].value; if ( textDomValue == "" ) { if (enterTextboxPhrase == null) { enterTextboxPhrase = "Please input text into the textbox."; } alert(enterTextboxPhrase); textDom.focus(); } else { if ( fontDomValue != "FONT") { textDomValue = "[font=" + fontDomValue + "]" + textDomValue + "[/font]"; fontDom.options[0].selected = true; } if ( colorDomValue != "COLOR") { textDomValue = "[color=" + colorDomValue + "]" + textDomValue + "[/color]"; colorDom.options[0].selected = true; } if ( sizeDomValue != "SIZE") { textDomValue = "[size=" + sizeDomValue + "]" + textDomValue + "[/size]"; sizeDom.options[0].selected = true; } if (xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontWeight == "bold" || xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontWeight == "700") { textDomValue = "[b]" + textDomValue + "[/b]"; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontWeight = "normal"; } if (xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontStyle == "italic") { textDomValue = "[i]" + textDomValue + "[/i]"; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontStyle = "normal"; } if (xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textDecoration == "underline") { textDomValue = "[u]" + textDomValue + "[/u]"; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textDecoration = "none"; } if (xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textDecoration == "line-through") { textDomValue = "[d]" + textDomValue + "[/d]"; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.textDecoration = "none"; } xoopsInsertText(textareaDom, textDomValue); textDom.value = ""; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.color = "#000000"; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontFamily = ""; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.fontSize = "12px"; xoopsHiddenTextDomStyle.visibility = "hidden"; textareaDom.focus(); } } function xoopsValidate(subjectId, textareaId, submitId, plzCompletePhrase, msgTooLongPhrase, allowedCharPhrase, currCharPhrase) { var maxchars = 65535; var subjectDom = xoopsGetElementById(subjectId); var textareaDom = xoopsGetElementById(textareaId); var submitDom = xoopsGetElementById(submitId); if (textareaDom.value == "" || subjectDom.value == "") { if (plzCompletePhrase == null) { plzCompletePhrase = "请填写标题和内容."; } alert(plzCompletePhrase); return false; } if (maxchars != 0) { if (textareaDom.value.length > maxchars) { if (msgTooLongPhrase == null) { msgTooLongPhrase = "内容太长."; } if (allowedCharPhrase == null) { allowedCharPhrase = "允许的最大字符数: "; } if (currCharPhrase == null) { currCharPhrase = "现有字符长度: "; } alert(msgTooLongPhrase + "\n\n" + allowedCharPhrase + maxchars + "\n" + currCharPhrase + textareaDom.value.length + ""); textareaDom.focus(); return false; } else { submitDom.disabled = true; return true; } } else { submitDom.disabled = true; return true; } } function getSelect(id){ if (window.getSelection){ ele = document.getElementById(id); var selection = ele.value.substring( ele.selectionStart, ele.selectionEnd ); } else if (document.getSelection){ var selection = document.getSelection(); } else if (document.selection){ var selection = document.selection.createRange().text; } else{ var selection = null; } return selection; }